How do you choose the flowers of your wedding? The answers could undoubtedly be many: among those which grows seasonally, or those grown for a personal passion, for the colour, for the choice of others, for the shape or for fashion.

And the person who chooses wildflowers, why do they do it?
Perhaps they do it for their diversity, or for being naturally fragile, poorly defined or for their imperfect perfection!
Those who choose what man has not yet cultivated, changed or cared to make it stronger, more durable, compliant and perfect to the eye, is a slightly bohemian soul.
They are couples who see true beauty in nature, who love the sense of simplicity and the elegance that it releases.
A perfect couple for our Chianti! Richness of this territory is precisely the nature of this land: a land which is cultivated and defined by the wisdom of man, but which always preserves its rustic charm of genuineness.
Who chooses wildflowers knows that he will never know until the last second what it will fibd, if yellow, red, pink or purple flowers; if scented petals, spikes or green leaves … it’s all question of chance and waiting for what’s it is supposed to come, just like for love!


This doesn’t mean that it is a bare and nit caree ceremony, the right hands of the right professionists will know how to create decorations, centerpieces and unique bouquets even with these simple flowers.
Their natural variety of styles will then perfectly match all the other details chosen by the couple to make their perfect day … the right mix of simplicity, genuineness and elegance!